Monday, March 16, 2015

How to Stay Organized in College

I feel like college is the ultimate test of how well you can balance your life. You have to juggle your social life, possibly a job, homework, tests, sleep, etc. It’s a lot, and I am someone that would be lost if I didn’t have my planner. I have come up with a couple ways that I keep my life organized that will hopefully help you too.

My planner is my lifeline that keeps me on track. I use the larger size of the Kate Spade planner. I love gold polka dots so that’s the one I got, but honestly, I wish that I had gotten the black striped one because the gold polka dots on mine are rubbing off. The black “2015” on the front isn’t though; so next time I will definitely get the black striped one. I customized the inside of mine with washi tape and added an envelope to the back to hold paper clips. In the inside pocket, I store my notebook that I write my blog ideas in, as well as my mini sticky notes, and a notepad I make lists with. I got the sticky notes on Etsy and the notepad from the dollar section at Target (The Target dollar section is magical. They have a lot of cute stuff for so cheap!)

Each week, I write out what assignments I need to get done each day, as well as events or appointments I have. This keeps me on track day by day. I also use little sticky notes to keep track of when I am posting a new blog post. I like using sticky notes so I can move them around if something comes up. This method can be used for anything like when you are going grocery shopping, or doing your laundry (I know these two things are definitely events I postpone haha).

The last tip I have for planners is to make it cute. Personally, when something is cute, I use it wayyyyy more than if it was just okay looking. I bought my washi tape on etsy, as well as some from Target in the section where tape is sold. My notepads, like I said earlier, are from the dollar section at Target.

Assignment Schedule
I found this idea on the blog Dani Dearest. She made the original one from Organized Charm work better for her by tweaking a few things. I prefer how Dani did hers, but the original may work for you. I tried using this out this semester and it has made my life so much easier. I will be using this for now on. How it works is your assignments are organized by when they are due so it’s so easy to keep track of what is coming up so you don’t forget any assignments.

Keep Your Study Area Free of Clutter
This sounds really simple, but it honestly helps so much. I am guilty of having a really messy desk, but I get so much more done when the clutter is gone. It seems to clear my mind so I can focus. Not to mention that it’s easier to find everything I need to do my assignments, giving me less of an excuse to procrastinate. App
I got this app a couple months ago, and I use it so often. I used to use the Reminder app on my iPhone, but this one works so much better for me. I create grocery shopping lists, to do lists, lists of who owes me money, etc. It is honestly one of the best list apps I have ever used, and I have used a lot. Another great feature is that the app syncs up with the version you can use on your computer. That way, you always have your lists, no matter if you are using your phone or computer.

Plan Out Your Busy Days
At least once or twice a week I have those days that I feel like I’m not going to get everything done. On those days, I make a VERY detailed schedule. I plan out my day to the hour. This may seem a little extreme, but it works so incredibly well. I plan out my classes, homework time, lunch and dinner, events, etc. and then I follow it as close as I can. I like to plan a little more time that I think I might need for homework, just because then if it turns out to be hard I have more time, and if not, then I have some free time which makes me feel more relaxed.

I hope you got some ideas of how to better organize. Let me know if these tips work for you, or even send me photos of you using/decorating your planner on Twitter! I look forward to hearing from you. :)

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