Wednesday, March 18, 2015

5 Reasons You Should Be Using Coconut Oil

My roommate introduced me to coconut oil, and I am forever grateful. I love, love, love coconut oil. There are so many uses, so many that I won’t be able to cover in this post. I am going to share with you my favorite uses for coconut oil.

1. Face & Body Moisturizer.
Coconut oil makes a great moisturizer. I use coconut oil on my skin every night as a face moisturizer, but it also makes a perfect body moisturizer. My skin is recovering from being up north last week in the cold so I used coconut oil on the driest parts on my body (elbows and knees), and it has worked so well. If you do end up using coconut oil as a moisturizer, it’s very oily so I would suggest using it at night.

2. Hair Mask.
My roommate had horribly broken and dry hair, and my other roommate and I had her use coconut oil as a hair mask. We had her simply get her ends wet, and then coat the ends generously with coconut oil. Then we had her put it up in a bun and put on a shower cap. In the morning she washed it out in the shower, and it did a miracle with her hair. Another quicker method is putting it on the ends of your hair while you take a shower and then wash it out after you are done shaving and washing your body and face.

3. Lip Balm.
Like it works well on your body, it also works well as a lip balm. If you don’t want to use straight up coconut oil on your lips, you could also mix it with Vaseline. I cannot stress enough what an awesome job coconut oil does moisturizing.

4. Hair Oil.
Coconut oil can be used in a small amount like Argan Oil and Macadamia Oil on your ends to take the frizz and make them smooth. It can also work well after you wash your hair, if you put it throughout your ends before you dry your hair to keep your hair from getting too frizzy when you blow dry, or even when you air dry.

5. Makeup Remover.
My roommate uses coconut oil to take off her makeup, and I am surprised how well it works. I want to try it. Using coconut oil to remove makeup is so much cheaper and healthier for your skin. She mixes it with Vaseline and uses it on her eye makeup and as an eye cream overnight.

If you end up using coconut oil, I would suggest using organic coconut oil. Then you know it’s the real, pure stuff. Let me know if you try out coconut oil and how you like it. It may seem strange at first since it’s so oily, but the results are so worth it.
Thanks lovelies,


  1. Hey there! I just wanted to let you know that I started using coconut oil on my face. I decided not to use it on my chin because I broke out right after each use. So I put it all over my face except the oiliest part. What kind of coconut oil do you use? I use the unrefined, virgin organic coconut oil. Thanks for the tips on where to sue coconut oil!

  2. The coconut oil you are using is perfect! I use the same kind as you. I'm glad this post was helpful for you. :)
